Re-Organise Your Life with
7 Top Tips for Decluttering


How would it feel if you opened your cupboards and nothing fell out? How much time would you save if you could find that ‘thing’ the first time? Is being organised something you feel you can only dream about?
If you are like most people, you can get overwhelmed by clutter and feel like you are stufficating: drowning in stuff!






We have by and large become a consumer society, purchasing the latest gadget, buying in multiples to save, or keeping up with the Jones’. Do you run for the hills at the thought of decluttering?

Looking at the process to declutter and organize it doesn’t have to be a dreaded task!

After years of being a clutter bug, I chose to change my habits, and turned my clutter into a tranquil, organized space. I now find more enjoyment and enthusiasm in getting rid of unnecessary goods, than I used to in accumulating them. I will be covering my top 7 decluttering tips that have helped me to transform my space from chaotic into calming.

Below are my are my 7 top de-cluttering tips to help you shift from feelings of embarrassment and overwhelmed to creating a calming and peaceful environment in your home.

I hope you enjoy going through these and they give you the opportunity to ‘un-stufficate‘ yourself and your home!

If you would like more help with de-cluttering your home, keep an eye out for a special offer in your inbox in the coming weeks that will help you make your home tranquil and organised for the festive season.


What Clients are Saying…

I can still hear Donna telling me to roll the kids clothes in the draws to keep them organised, and go through their clothes every season & take out what is not needed.

Thanks Donna, I feel my lifestyle is more organised and easier to manage now!

Kuraby Family

1. Keep what you love, use and needBefore Garage

Are you programmed to keep stuff due to unrealistic reasons like:

  • “How much it cost me”
  • “Who gave it to me”
  • “I might need it one day”

It’s not about “the stuff” but what sort of space you want to create in your life.

So the most important questions to ask yourself are:

  • “Do I really love it?”
  • “Do I ever use it?”
  • “Do I actually need it?”

If the answer is a resounding ‘NO’ to these questions – then move it on. Make room for something else in your life.



2. One in one out rule

To help get on top of having too much stuff, start with the “One in One Out Rule”

  • Every time you think about bringing something into your home, think about what you are prepared to get rid of to make room for the new item.

3. Finish what you startCluttered Dining Table

One of the quickest ways to clutter up your home is to start multiple jobs and not finish them.

  • Do you have baskets or piles of stuff lying around your home eg. laundry?
  • Try to schedule starting your jobs to allow you enough time to finish them eg. Washing: wash, dry, and most importantly time to put it away.

If needs be, make yourself a list of things you must do. Putting a line through them once completed is incredibly satisfying, and will actually make you feel less overwhelmed.

4. Like items together

Are you guilty of buying multiple items you regularly need, but can’t find, like potato peelers, scissors, tweezers, sticky tape, black t-shirts etc.?

  • Always put your like items together so it’s easy to find what you are looking for.
  • This also reduces the need to buy multiples, saves on space and money.
  • Write down items you have finished on a list in order to take on your next shop. Don’t rely on your memory.



Thank you Donna!

Our bathroom was one of those sad cases where soaps and shampoos, brushes, combs, hairpins, and all other manner of first aid, appliances were in disarray. The bathroom top was so cluttered, it was impossible to see the surface!

The problem was so acute we often bought the same item twice three times or more, and going into the room so claustrophobic that one could not relax. Indeed, one would want to escape as fast as possible!

With Donnas’ help, our bathroom is now a place of peace and tranquillity. It now has space and one doesn’t feel crowded out. From the bath to the shower to the vanity basin, sanity has been restored.

Walkerley Family

5. Maximise Prime Real EstateTestimonial

Imagine having everything that you need in your home at your fingertips and your cupboards all in order.

  • Work out what is your Prime Real Estate in your kitchen cupboards, this is the areas that are easiest for you to reach.
  • Put the things you need and use the most together in your Prime Real Estate and the things you use the least in the harder to get at places.


6. Set up preparation areas as work stationsTea & Coffee Work Station

Are you frustrated with going from one end of the house to the other to find the things you need?

  • By having Work Stations you can simplify the process, reduce stress, as well as save time.
  • Have a preparation station with everything you need in one area, in turn saving precious time eg a tea and coffee station to make mornings less of a stress by having all the main items you use together.




7. Three clutter monsters: Clothes, Papers, Toys

Kill the monster while it’s small, is the best cure for taming the worst offenders. Small tasks can bring great satisfaction, not to mention reducing your work load.

  • Start with cleaning out your hand bag, or a draw.
  • Filing papers on a horizontal surface seem to invite an invasion of a whole family of papers, resulting in paper piles.
  • Have a designated play area where the toys are sorted into like items and put into containers to make it easy for the kids to put them back.


After you have given my 7 Top Decluttering Tips a go, if you still feel overwhelmed and feel like you could do with someone to hold your hand, then I would recommend rather than asking friends and family, as this can get rather complicated, contact a Professional Organiser who has no emotional attachment to help you with this job, or sign up to my monthly decluttering challenge by clicking here.



“Sign up for a limited time for $29AUD for the first month, $49AUD every month thereafter until you tell us to stop.”