Frequently Asked Questions
for Members

How do I pay the monthly fee?

Your monthly subscription amount will be deducted automatically from your nominated credit card or PayPal account, depending on how you chose to set up payment when you signed up.

How secure if your payment processing?

We use the world renowned and completely secure 3rd party payment processing gateway Clickbank / PayPal. This service is used by millions of online businesses to process payments.

How long does the program go for?

You can stay a member of the mentoring program for as long as you want. You get an e-class every week, so if you ever find that they’re no longer valuable to you, you can unsubscribe yourself by following our simple process

How long does each e-class take to get through?

It should take you no more than 20 minutes to fully read and absorb each week’s e-class content. You will then need an extra 15 mins – 50 mins each week to complete the activity or assigned task for the week. If you cannot do all of that in one sitting, don’t worry. You will have access to the members only area with your unique username and password and you can come back to that weeks e-class at any time to complete it. You will also be able to view any past e-classes at any time as well. Please understand that if you are serious about getting results, you will have to do more than just read the e-class.

What do I do if I didn’t receive an e-class email?

There could be a number of reasons why you did not receive the e-class email. The following list outlines the most common reasons and how to correct them:

Your email address has changed and is not updated with your membership account. Please ensure that your email address is correct and up-to-date in your membership account.

Our emails go straight through to your inbox’s ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folder. Please ‘whitelist’ our email address by adding it to you contacts list in your email account. For specific details, please click here.

Can I access previous eclasses when I join?

When you join our program, you start at the beginning and you will receive an email every week with a link in it taking you through to the online e-classes. You will always have access to them, so you can view them as many times as you want to, which is highly recommended.

Can I suspend classes and then resume?

Unfortunately, our system does not facilitate suspending classes. We can’t stop and then restart. However, so long as your membership is active, you will always have access to the e-classes, as they never expire.  So when you are ready simply pick up where you left off and work through them at your own pace.

How do I cancel the membership?

Please remember that clicking the unsubscribe link in your e-class emails will not cancel your membership if at any time you wish to do so. Doing this will remove you from the email list only. To cancel your membership, you will need to login to your membership profile at “”, Click Unsubscribe link on the right fill the Membership Cancellation Request Form then click submit button.

I’d like to give a testimonial as your program really delivers. How can I do this?

I really appreciate your offer! Testimonials are really valuable to me as it helps me improve my site and also helps others keep inspired. Thank you! All you need is to send me an email using the contact us link at the bottom of this page and I’ll be in touch with you.

I’ve forgotten my password! Help!

This is OK. If you have lost your username and password, please visit “….” and under ‘lost password’ type in the email address you used to register with us. Your login details will then be automatically emailed to you.

How do I contact you?

If you don’t understand something about the membership or the program and you have a question, please first read the Member’s FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to see if your question has already been answered. If you have a question that is not covered in the Member’s FAQ section, then please email me using the contact us link at the bottom of this page or send me an email to